Spirits of earth and air,
Ye shall not thus elude me: by a power,
Deeper than all yet urged, a tyrant—spell,
Which had its birthplace in a star condemn’d,
The burning wreck of a demolish’d world,
A wandering hell in the eternal space;
By the strong curse which is upon my soul,
The thought which is within me and around me,
I do compel ye to my will. Appear!–From Lord Byron’s “Manfred”
The Night Land, mixing supernatural and science-fiction elements, blends technological and supernatural worlds in a weird topological landscape of meaningful and meaningless images where the mind, scared of its own shadow, fills in the rest. Then, proto-typically stirring the same cauldron from which the macabre cosmic images of Lovecraft’s Cthulhu would be steeped in, The Night Land set the stage for the 20th century’s “Dying Earth” theme. Continue reading Dwellers on the Threshold:The “Night Land” and the “Anamnesic Imagination” Part 3–Invoking the Muse.