“Now mark how vast must be the whole of him
To be in scale with parts of such proportions!
If he was once as fair as now he ‘s foul
Yet lifted up his brows against his Maker,
Well should all tribulation come from him:
And what a monster he appeared to me
When I perceived three faces on his head!
The one in front was of a crimson hue…”
From Dante’s Inferno, L.G. White Translation
What in the medieval Hell is going on here!? Is this simply a political satire or an Anti-Trinity of the Godhead as is generally assumed by scholars? Is Dante rather describing a private nightmare he had of the “evil one”? Is he describing something he is under duress or mandate to describe akin to the three faced Baphomet of the Templars? Continue reading Ragnarök, Lucifer and the War in Heaven Part 2: Dante’s Lucifer and the Mesopotamian Nergal