“…there are a kind of men…named Rosie Crucians, a divine Fraternity that inhabite the Suburbs of Heaven…”



Welcome to the Suburbs of Heaven, a place in the middle distances of things integrating various dimensions between Heaven and Earth, spirit and matter. We will explore elements of Gamaaea and the marriage of the superior and inferior worlds not only in the “Rosie Crucian” Arcanum but in mythology, physics, and metaphysics of the inner and outer worlds.  We will explore literal suburbs in the “heavens” as are alleged to be on our moon and the planet Mars–and elsewhere. We will explore fragments of a tradition torn apart like an exploded planet and attempt to integrate a new unity where East meets West and create a philosophic stone wrought from memesis refound and archetype remembered.

The “Suburbs of Heaven” is a phrase from John Heydon when he described the immortal adepts of the “Rosie Crucian” fraternity who had the ability to “wax young again”. We realize that he only meant (as the author of “The Way to Bliss” described) “the edge and skirt of heaven” in the metaphysical sense, but we  wonder if he, or they, were hinting at the knowledge of something so ancient that there have been “many deluges” since its creation? Indeed, did the Templars (who, unfortunately, seem to get implicated in everything nowadays) also have some “memesis” on this fact and carry on a tradition of Cydonia at Mars in the guise of a three-fold chimerical “head”?

We wonder if Paracelsus ever met or knew of the unknown Germelshausen who is said to be the model of C.R.C.  Or, was Paracelsus the model or one of the legendary brothers himself spoken of in the legend?

Obviously, there are many questions concerning these topics and maybe we will not find solutions to all of them in our lifetimes. But in this 400th year since the major publications of the RC manifestoes, it seems fitting to assume the role of Janus and see what kinds of things, if any, had been accomplished, are accomplished and will be accomplished in the idea of a New Atlantis.  The articles and opinions published here will be dedicated to this theme.

Perhaps there is nothing but visions of a Klingsorian garden awaiting, but on we go…

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