“There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available for those who can remove one of truth’s protective layers. There are places to go beyond belief.”—Neil Armstrong
“…it is better to be smart than to be stupid…” — Carl Sagan
To recapitulate, thus far, we have discussed an image taken during the Apollo 12 mission which was published in Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, the significance of which was discovered and revealed in 1995. We have presented details from the image itself, and its companion frames, that indicates the presence of an enormous, crystalline, pre-historically engineered dome (one of many distributed over the lunar surface). We have discussed the mysterious lack of post-Apollo space goals not having been met. We have discussed the late 1950’s speculations that the moons of Mars might be artificial and that this was the primary impetus behind the Brookings report proffering the subject of artifacts on other worlds. We briefly discussed the implications of the Brookings recommendations, including the suggestion that further research was conducted to study the effects on humanity of the verified discovery Continue reading Tricks of Light and Shadow; The Secrets of Carl Sagan Part 8: “Who Speaks for Earth”?