Category Archives: Archetype



This begins the first in a series of short notes relating to the research interests at the Suburbs of Heaven.1)With acknowledgement to the late David Flynn’s Watcher website.

Is our moon the original and “real” Noah’s Ark? Strange question to be sure, but the ancients said that it was and that it, in the words of Manly P. Hall, “…preserved the seeds of living creatures within its boatlike crescent.”2)See Manly P. Hall’s An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy in the chapter on “The Ancient Mysteries and
Secret Societies
Which Have Influenced Modern Masonic Symbolism Part One.”

In 1996 at the initial and first iteration of the Enterprise Mission conference forum, using the handle “Merlin”, I introduced the extra-terrestrial artifact and anomaly community to the idea that the glass boat of the Druidic mysteries had a potential symbolic reference to our extensive glass covered satellite; the Moon. Early 19th century researchers were quite convinced that the moon was considered by the ancients as Noah’s Ark. 3)As early evidenced by the extensive research work of the Reverend George Stanley Faber in his The Origin of Pagan Idolatry which brought together a number of earlier research work from the likes of Jacob Bryant in his A New System or Analysis of Ancient Mythology to Edward Davies’ The Mythology and Rites of the British Druids all of which kind of research could be considered a sort of prototype for what is now termed Geomythology.

From Jacob Bryant’s A New System or an Analysis of Ancient Mythology  Volume 3 of the 1774-76 edition, page the mission patch of Apollo 11.


In the chapter on “Isis, the Virgin of the World” in The Secret Teachings of all Ages Manly Hall declares that:

“…the story of
Noah and his ark is a cosmic allegory concerning the repopulation of planets at the beginning
of each world period…”4)See Manly P. Hall in his Secret Teachings of All Ages, page 123. 2003 Penguin Reader’s edition

If the current controversy of pre-historic cometary bombardment  and/or solar outbursts (with the chilling possibility that it occurs more frequently than initially thought) are all found to be accurate, then the quotation above of Manly Hall’s could mean that the ancient system of the mysteries with all its subsequent influence and implications to religions and the ritualism of modern esoteric societies will require a more than superficial dismissal of its asserted informational content. Content not only pre-historic but metaphysical.5)Additional insights about the cycles of catastrophe can be explored at the Geo-mythologist Randall Carlson’s podcast site.

Indeed, such additional quotations of his as, “An early
initiate of the Druidic Mysteries related that admission to their midnight ceremony was gained by means
of a glass boat, called Cwrwg Gwydrin. 6)Interestingly, according to the Gematria Calculator the Jewish Gematria number for Cwrwg Gwydrin is 3330. Although it is not 2160, which would have been even more interesting, the number 2160 or a variant thereof factors frequently in occult and esoteric numerology which is significant given the potential artificial nature of the moon and the survivors who may have once taken refuge there as ancient mythological tales suggest.This boat symbolized the moon, which, floating upon the waters
of eternity, preserved the seeds of living creatures within its boatlike crescent…”7)See Manly P. Hall’s An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy in the chapter on “The Ancient Mysteries and
Secret Societies
Which Have Influenced Modern Masonic Symbolism Part One.” Interestingly, in the 1990’s, my own interest in the Alternative 3 scenarios stemmed from exactly these sorts of declarations in The Secret Teachings of All Ages. More recently, the idea that the moon would make a great repository for civilizations contingency plans has gained attention and adds further credence to the ancient lunar ark model.
continue to propagate the lunar ark model.

Symbolic titles have been associated with  the ancient priesthoods that engineered and propagated such information and have asserted that they descended from the survivors of the Great Deluge, which of course, would include all potential mythic personages associated with the moon such as Hermes, Isis etc. that carried such titles all of which give insights to the lunar symbolism both physical and metaphysical8)The Moon’s changing phases (faces) was an apt analogy into the phenomenology of imagination. This will be explored further as we proceed. that is being communicated. 9)Even Richard Hoagland on his Other Side of Midnight program has intimated that the hermetic association with the moon is related to priesthoods having come from the moon.

It is my decades long and still developing contention, that the Moon is potentially part of an artificially constructed Precambrian (or perhaps early post-Noachian–pun intended) temple devoted to corporeal and incorporeal evolution.  The numbers have suggested it (of which 2160 years in an Zodiacal age, and 2160 miles for an average lunar diameter are only a first examples). Other analogies appear to exist that are not just numerically based. The moon could have been artificially placed in its orbit by an very ancient and advanced civilization possibly to engineer and trigger evolution itself. At least in a particular way. (Although this has also been proposed by Richard Hoagland at various times as well.)

The moons orbit and position influences the Earth’s axis and all our ground-based observational phenomena of the seasons and stellar and luminary sighting. All of this may have been purposed.  But it must be kept in mind, that the star fields themselves will have changed over vast periods of time as Carl Sagan once demonstrated. However, the arcs in the sky would be permanent and are indeed “arc”-hetypal. (or should it be “Arka”-typal?) One wonders at the etymology of such words…

The moon may even be a kind of last ditch defense for wandering debris that might impact the Earth that escaped the outer gas giants. Catastrophes that have occurred on axis-shattering scales might have given rise to slight numerical errors that would be condign to such catastrophes. More research is needed.

The Watcher has spoken…



1 With acknowledgement to the late David Flynn’s Watcher website.
2 See Manly P. Hall’s An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy in the chapter on “The Ancient Mysteries and
Secret Societies
Which Have Influenced Modern Masonic Symbolism Part One.”
3 As early evidenced by the extensive research work of the Reverend George Stanley Faber in his The Origin of Pagan Idolatry which brought together a number of earlier research work from the likes of Jacob Bryant in his A New System or Analysis of Ancient Mythology to Edward Davies’ The Mythology and Rites of the British Druids all of which kind of research could be considered a sort of prototype for what is now termed Geomythology.
4 See Manly P. Hall in his Secret Teachings of All Ages, page 123. 2003 Penguin Reader’s edition
5 Additional insights about the cycles of catastrophe can be explored at the Geo-mythologist Randall Carlson’s podcast site.
6 Interestingly, according to the Gematria Calculator the Jewish Gematria number for Cwrwg Gwydrin is 3330. Although it is not 2160, which would have been even more interesting, the number 2160 or a variant thereof factors frequently in occult and esoteric numerology which is significant given the potential artificial nature of the moon and the survivors who may have once taken refuge there as ancient mythological tales suggest.
7 See Manly P. Hall’s An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy in the chapter on “The Ancient Mysteries and
Secret Societies
Which Have Influenced Modern Masonic Symbolism Part One.” Interestingly, in the 1990’s, my own interest in the Alternative 3 scenarios stemmed from exactly these sorts of declarations in The Secret Teachings of All Ages. More recently, the idea that the moon would make a great repository for civilizations contingency plans has gained attention and adds further credence to the ancient lunar ark model.
8 The Moon’s changing phases (faces) was an apt analogy into the phenomenology of imagination. This will be explored further as we proceed.
9 Even Richard Hoagland on his Other Side of Midnight program has intimated that the hermetic association with the moon is related to priesthoods having come from the moon.

Dwellers on the Threshold:The “Night Land” and the “Anamnesic Imagination” Part 3–Invoking the Muse.

“Watcher of the South East” Artwork by Steven E. Fabian. Published in “The Dream of X”


Spirits of earth and air,
Ye shall not thus elude me: by a power,
Deeper than all yet urged, a tyrant—spell,
Which had its birthplace in a star condemn’d,
The burning wreck of a demolish’d world,
A wandering hell in the eternal space;
By the strong curse which is upon my soul,
The thought which is within me and around me,
I do compel ye to my will. Appear!–From Lord Byron’s “Manfred”


The Night Land, mixing supernatural and science-fiction elements, blends technological and supernatural worlds in a weird topological landscape of meaningful and meaningless images where the mind, scared of its own shadow, fills in the rest. Then, proto-typically stirring the same cauldron from which the macabre cosmic images of Lovecraft’s Cthulhu would be steeped in, The Night Land set the stage for the 20th century’s “Dying Earth” theme. Continue reading Dwellers on the Threshold:The “Night Land” and the “Anamnesic Imagination” Part 3–Invoking the Muse.

Dwellers on the Threshold: The “Night Land” and the “Anamnesic Imagination” Part 2–Janus and Time.


Alciati Emblematum, Emblema XVIII

“Two-faced Janus, you who know the things that have already passed and the things to come, and who can see the grimaces behind you just as well as those before, why do they fashion you with so many eyes and why so many faces? Is it because your image teaches men to have kept an eye open all around them?”–Alciati Emblematum, Emblema XVIII

But the Great Spy-Glass…had eyes of it upon every side of The Mighty Pyramid, and did be truly an Huge Machine”–From The Night Land

Time-released aspirin…”–Richard C. Hoagland


Fear of the deep future (or the deep past) suggests a morally ambiguous universe that goes on without us. All activity within it continues without a care for human dreams or aspirations to heaven or a damning to hell. Grinding all into entropic detritus time with it’s continual unending and unforgiving forward motion invokes a sense of despair. It’s one thing that we die but, if meaning itself dies, this conjures up more complex ontological problems drowned by a simple one: that there is no meaning, the unknown rules supreme and that we exist in the deep past of some unholy future. Continue reading Dwellers on the Threshold: The “Night Land” and the “Anamnesic Imagination” Part 2–Janus and Time.

“…there are a kind of men…named Rosie Crucians, a divine Fraternity that inhabite the Suburbs of Heaven…”



Welcome to the Suburbs of Heaven, a place in the middle distances of things integrating various dimensions between Heaven and Earth, spirit and matter. We will explore elements of Gamaaea and the marriage of the superior and inferior worlds not only in the “Rosie Crucian” Arcanum but in mythology, physics, and metaphysics of the inner and outer worlds.  We will explore literal suburbs in the “heavens” as are alleged to be on our moon and the planet Mars–and elsewhere. We will explore fragments of a tradition torn apart like an exploded planet and attempt to integrate a new unity where East meets West and create a philosophic stone wrought from memesis refound and archetype remembered. Continue reading “…there are a kind of men…named Rosie Crucians, a divine Fraternity that inhabite the Suburbs of Heaven…”